Innovative Usable Clean Energy

When high carbon intensive operations cannot be substituted with low carbon fuels the development of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration (CCUS) solutions provides a powerful tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

CO2 can be removed from an industrial process before and after combustion. Pre-combustion requires the production of syngas from partially oxidized fuel using oxygen and steam under high temperature and pressure. The water-gas shift reaction converts the syngas, a combination of CO and H2O to H2 and CO2 with the latter totaling 15-50%. The advantages of pre-combustion carbon capture are that CO2 is found in higher concentrations in comparison to post-combustion flue gas, therefore producing more favorable conditions for maximizing carbon capture yield and leaving H2-rich fuel for combustion.

Post-combustion capture removes the CO2 within the exhaust path prior to atmospheric discharge. The benefits of simpler process integration and cost are offset by difficulties in capturing low purity CO2 at around between 5-15% concentration utilizing various capture technology including amine, membrane filtration, cryogenic and Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA).

Our experience in the carbon capture industry dates back a decade from the delivery of the Aberthaw Cansolv pilot plant that successfully demonstrated the post-combustion technology. We are also pioneers in the marine wet scrubbing industry with the team installing many units.

Our services include developing industrial benchmarks, performing business analysis, project management and engineering services. When integrating our technology into a carbon hub we will take the role as the developer.