Innovative Usable Clean Energy

The standard method of extraction used for biofuels involves the carcinogenic, expensive, and highly flammable solvents such as hexane and butanol, which are routinely used to extract lipids, the foundation of renewable diesel. These substances come at additional financial and environmental costs.

Plant General Arrangement
The Greentech Energy extraction process removes hazardous solvents from renewable diesel production. Supercritical solvent extraction using CO2 (s-CO2) is a known method of chemically removing soluble lipid compounds from plant matter. It has become the standard method for extracting high value products, in small quantities such as essential oils due to its green approach. Until now the capital and operational costs have historically limited substantial scale-up for cost-effective biofuel production.

Pressure Exchanger Manifold
GreenTech Energy has demonstrated that the capital cost of constructing our patent-pending s-CO2 extraction plant is equivalent to organic solvent processes e.g. Hexane extraction. Our technology maximizes efficiency and minimizes capital costs by incorporates a Pressure Exchanger like those found in desalination plants around the globe.
Additional revenue is generated from ethanol, power, anaerobic biogas, hydrogen, and high value fertilizer digestate co-products, all driving the cost to produce a sustainable fuel price of $2.50GGE and achieving an IRR of 59% with a payback period of 3 years. The process can utilize multiple biomass feedstocks such as canola and soybean and will transition gradually to process algal feedstocks which are high in lipid oil and carbohydrates necessary for ethanol fermentation. Get in touch to learn more about our Patent-Pending technology.